How to Determine a Person’s Friendship or Relationship: 7 Ways

Building friendships can be difficult, and sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between an acquaintance and a friend. While both types of relationships can be valuable, it’s important to recognize the differences so that you can invest your time and energy into building the kind of relationships that you want. Here are seven ways to tell if someone is a friend or an acquaintance.

Level of intimacy

One of the primary differences between friends and acquaintances is the level of intimacy in the relationship. Friends tend to have a deeper level of emotional connection and share personal details about their lives, whereas acquaintances tend to keep conversations more surface-level and may not share as much personal information.

How to tell if someone is a friend or acquaintance
How to tell if someone is a friend or acquaintance

Frequency of communication

Friends tend to communicate more frequently than acquaintances. They may text or call each other regularly, and they may spend more time together in person. Acquaintances, on the other hand, may only communicate sporadically or How to tell if someone is a friend or acquaintance when they happen to run into each other.

Shared interests and values

Friends tend to have shared interests and values that bring them together. They may enjoy similar hobbies, have similar career goals, or share similar beliefs. Acquaintances, on the other hand, may not have as much in common and may not share the same level of passion or enthusiasm for shared activities.

Quality time spent together

Friends tend to spend quality time together, meaning that they engage in activities that they both enjoy and that allow them to deepen their connection. This could include having deep conversations, going on trips, or engaging in hobbies together. Acquaintances may spend time together, but it may be more focused on superficial activities such as going to a party or attending a social event.

Mutual support

Friends tend to support each other in meaningful ways. They may provide emotional support during difficult times, offer advice and guidance, or help each other with practical tasks. Acquaintances, on the other hand, may not be as invested in each other’s lives and may not provide the same level of support.


Friends tend to be more vulnerable with each other and share their fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities. They may confide in each other and seek emotional support when they’re going through a tough time. Acquaintances, on the other hand, may not be as comfortable sharing these aspects of their lives and may keep conversations more surface-level.


Friends tend to have a more reciprocal relationship, meaning that they both invest time and energy into the relationship. They both initiate conversations and make plans, and they both show up for each other when they’re needed. Acquaintances, on the other hand, may not have as much reciprocity in the relationship, with one person consistently taking the lead and the other person following.


In conclusion, distinguishing between a friend and an acquaintance can be difficult, but paying attention to these seven factors can help you determine which type of relationship you have. While both types of relationships can be valuable, investing in friendships can lead to deeper emotional connections, greater mutual support, and a more fulfilling social life. By recognizing the differences between these two types of relationships, you can focus your energy on building the kind of relationships that are most meaningful to you.

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